🇨🇼 Papiamentu (English below)
Entre Juli i Òktober 2022, nos a entrevistá 24 piskadó (semi)profeshonal na e isla di Kòrsou, ku ta forma parti di e teritorio Hulandes Karibense. Mediante nan disposishon pa kompartí nan konosementu ekológiko balioso, nos a logra haña pèrspikasia di peskería artesanal(tradishonal) di e isla. Tambe nos a haña sa kon e piskadó lokal ta pensa tokante maneho i konservashon di bida marino, i kon e estado aktual di tribon i chuchu ta kompará ku antes. E último aki ta speshalmente interesante debí ku te asina leu ku nos sa, nunka promé tabatin dokumentashon sientífiko di e kaída opservá di e kantidat di tribon i chuchu. Nos a puntra e piskadónan si nan tabata topa ku tribon i chuchu, i si ta asina, na unda nan tabata topa ku nan na inisio di nan karera di piskadó kompará ku awendia. Mediante informashon risibí di piskadónan, nos a saka afó ku entre aña 1957 pa 2009 piskadónan a observá un diversidat haltu di tribon na 36 lugá rònt di e isla, mientras for di 2010 esaki a baha na solamente 16 lugá. Adishonalmente e kantidat averahe di tipo di tribon observá na e lugánan aki a redusí ku sinku espesie.
Mayoria di e piskadónan entrevistá (84%) ta sinti ku nan ta ekskluí for di e maneho di peska aktual, mientras un abrumador 86% di piskadó ta sinti e deseo pa ta mas envolví den toma di desishon. Ounke e piskadónan tabatin diferente idea tokante mehorashon di futuro maneho, sinembargo tres sugerensia tabata keda bini dilanti: Ponementu di mas Artefakto pa atraé piska (FAD), Maneho di polushon di laman( speshalmente na Shut), i mehorá mantenshon i seguridat na hafnan di piskadó. E gran mayoria di piskadó (90%) a ekspresá nan preokupashon tokante kondishon di salú di laman. E motibunan prinsipal di e preokupashon aki ta, bahada drástiko di kantidat di piska den laman, polushon di laman, garantía di alimento, i menasa di e garantía di por sigui gana nan pan na un manera duradero.
Pa krea kambio positivo tantu pa salú di laman komo e komunidat di piskadó, nos lo komuniká e resultado ku e ministerio enkargá ku stipulashon di maneho, i departamento di peskería lokal, i tambe publiké den boletin sientífiko.

- Download Flyer di Informashon
- Download Manuskrito (Expected Q4 2024)
- Download resúmen na idioma komun (Expected Q4 2024)
🇬🇧 English
Between July and October 2022, we interviewed 24 fishers on the Dutch Caribbean Island of Curaçao. Through their willingness to share their valuable local ecological knowledge with us, we gained insights into the artisanal fishery on the island, fishers’ perspectives on management and conservation, and the historical and current status of sharks and rays in Curaçao’s waters. The latter is especially interesting because up until now the shark and ray decline witnessed around Curaçao was not documented scientifically. We asked fishers whether and where they encountered sharks and rays at the start of their career versus nowadays. Through fishers’ responses, we found that between 1957 and 2009, fishers observed a high diversity of sharks in 36 locations around the island, while this decreased to only 16 locations since 2010. Additionally, the average number of shark types in these locations decreased by five shark species.

Most of the interviewed fishers (84%) felt excluded from current fishery management, while an overwhelming 86% of fishers feel a desire to be more included in decision-making. While fishers had many ideas for future management improvements, three suggestions re-occurred frequently: The installation of more Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs), the management of seawater pollution (especially at “the dump” near Hato), and the increase of official harbor maintenance and security. The majority of fishers (90%) were concerned about the health of the ocean. The main reasons for this concern are diminishing fish populations, seawater pollution, food security, and the threatened sustainment of their livelihoods.
To create positive change for both the ocean’s health and the local fishing community, we will communicate these results with local policymakers and the fishery management of the island and publish them in a scientific journal.

Download Resources:
- Information Flyer
- Manuscript (Expected Q4 2024)
- Layman’s Summary (Expected Q4 2024)
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