Sharing science is important! I am always enthousiastic to talk about sharks, marine biology and science. Here is a grab of some of the media I worked with over the past years. Please contact me for any media inquiries.

Tracking threatened sharks and rays in West Africa. IUCN Shark News, July 2022.
Where do guitarfish go? Scientists and fishers team up to find out. Mongabay, July 2022. Author: Mike DiGirolamo.
Stranden dicht om haai in Spanje (Dutch). RTL Nieuws, July 2022.
Roggen en haaien in de kaart (Dutch). National Geographic Magazine, July 2022.
Onderzoeker: ‘Haaien en roggen zijn schuw en nieuwsgierig en niet per se gevaarlijk’ (Dutch). Het Parool, Juni 2022. Author: Peter de Jong.
Haaienonderzoeker: ‘Als je gepaste afstand houdt is er niets aan de hand’ (Dutch). August 2020.
Author: Anna Lillioja.
Gespot in ‘Nederlandse’ wateren (Dutch). TROUW, March 2018.
Author: Jelle Reumer.
Bijzondere tweekoppige haai gevonden (Dutch). KIJK Magazine, October 2016.
Measuring shark growth with lasers (Bionieuws 19, NIBI) November 21st, 2015
Author: Janneke Razenberg
Guido Lives For Sharks (Dagblad De Limburger) July 13th, 2013 Author: Adri Gorissen
Swimming with Sharks (Dutch)
Renault TV, June 2016.
Interview: Vincent Croiset
Hunting the Hammerhead (NatGeo WILD & Smithsonian), Spring 2016
Produced by: Earth-Touch
Guido’s passion for sharks (Dutch)March 9th, 2016
Live interview in L1 Avondgasten
My nephew trying to read a feature in TROUW on silky sharks. Just like how my inspiration for sharks started..
Radio Interviews
Studying endangered sharks and rays (2022). NPO Radio 1 Langs de Lijn.
Scientists tag critically endangered guitarfish (2022). NOS Journaal NPO Radio 1.
Sense of Smell of Sharks
(January 2017).
Radio 1 Belgium.
Shark research in the Bahamas (August 2016).
Vroege Vogels (Radio 1), Interview: Menno Bentveld.
How to avoid a shark attack (Radio 2) January 8th, 2014 Interviewer: Gijs Stavermans