I am very glad and proud to announce that the documentary ‘Hunting the Hammerhead‘ is airing this Sunday on National Geographic in The Netherlands and Belgium.
The documentary, presented by Craig O’Connell of the O’Seas Conservation Foundation, will bring you the true magnificence of the Great Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna mokarran). Every Winter this largest species of hammerhead visits the shallow waters of the Bahamian island of Bimini. For what reason? We’re not entirely sure, but the documentary will give you some valuable insights on the ecology and morphology of this beautiful, yet endangered species.
Hunting the Hammerhead is a production of Earth Touch and will be broadcasted globally by National Geographic. In addition, Smithsonian Channel broadcasts the documentary also in the US. The majority of the documentary was shot in the waters of Bimini in February and March 2015. I was lucky enough to be there as Craig asked me to join him to go to Bimini to try and test the laser photogrammetry technique (see our paper on LPT on white sharks) and to assist with the documentary underwater. I have only seen some raw snapshots of the documentary, but at least one shot is a ‘one-in-a-million’, for shark research. One that could prove why these animals actually have these odd hammer-shaped heads.
Now the documentary premieres on National Geographic here in The Netherlands and in Belgium. So if you don’t want to miss the documentary of the year, make sure to put one of the following dates in your agenda:
- Premiere: Sunday 21 August 17.05
- Monday 22 August 00.05 (repeat)
- Saturday 27 August 00.00 (repeat)
If I haven’t convinced you enough right now, check out the trailer to hype you up for this Sunday!
Thank you to everyone involved, it was an amazing experience to work with you all!